Author Topic: New and improved Maternity Luxe now online!  (Read 19072 times)

MaternityLuxe Admin

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New and improved Maternity Luxe now online!
« on: July 03, 2007, 07:57:31 PM »
Greetings to all from the Maternity Luxe Family!

First, we would like to wish everyone a happy 4th of July.

Maternity Luxe is now 5 years old!  To celebrate we have made some big changes to the site.  First, the site underwent a major overhaul.  We started from the ground up to make the site clean, modern and fast.  You can see Maternity Luxe in web 2.0 here.  We are still putting the finishing touches on it - but rest assured everything is in working order.  Additionally, we plan to add a more traditional navigation experience that incorporates our new design.

After we changed hosts for the site last summer, we were forced to take the forum offline.  Now, after a little break, the forum has been reborn.  We've included all of the old content - but given the forum a technoligical makeover.  Now it is faster and more reliable than ever.

We hope to keep rolling out new features and our updated look throughout the summer.  So keep checking back to see the latest that Maternity Luxe has to offer. 

Thank you all for making it a wonderful first five years and thank you for making Maternity Luxe your choice for the finest in baby and maternity apparel and gear.

-The Maternity Luxe Family
Visit for all of your maternity needs and more!


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Re: New and improved Maternity Luxe now online!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 11:43:44 PM »
Wow! It's been a long time since I last visited MaternityLuxe and I have to say I love the new story.  It is so fancy now.  Great to see the forum is still alive too.  Look forward to shopping here again in the future.